How Nurse Watches Help Add Color to Your Nurse Uniform

As a nurse, your scrubs help identify who you are in a hospital or medical setting. These days, there are a variety of patterned scrubs you can wear depending on which ward you are assigned to. Although your scrubs are important, wearing comfortable shoes, and limiting your jewelry and accessories are also essential to ensure your work day goes as smoothly as possible.

With the introduction of the recent Bare Below the Elbows policy, the elimination of wearing a nurse watch on your wrist has changed the way nurses can help their patients in a more efficient manner. Nurse watches are still essential in your workday and in order to adhere to the new BBE nurse watches with pins or fob nurse watches are a great way to maintain a little creative expression while you’re on the job. They are available in metal, silicone, and fob styles and to make them even more fun, nurse watches come in a variety of styles and prints.

For more tips on what to wear if you are a nurse, check out Renee Thompson’s 2-minute video on “What NOT to Wear”.  

